Cumulative training load

Articles > Cumulative training load

Cumulative training load characterizes the sum of different training loads from single trainings in a certain period of time. For example cumulative training load for a week represents all the trainings that were done on particular week. Cumulative load does not indicate whether being the result of less amount intensive trainings or high amount of low intensity trainings. However this is a very good paramateer to dicriminate between easy or hard weeks/months.


Table 1. An example of the cumulative load of the 3 + 1 microcycle.

Daily load



Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
129 100 0 130 155 80 180 774
150 178 0 130 200 100 160 918
135 165 0 145 190 95 180 910
0 130 80 0 120 80 130 540

Cumulative load of the microcycle


