Validity of the test
The validity of the test refers to the standard – how much our test differs from it. (more…)
The validity of the test refers to the standard – how much our test differs from it. (more…)
Managing the process of the athletic training must ensure the maximal realization of the settled goals and to ensure the optimal adaptation and development of the athlete. The main work in this area must be done by the coach, but the athlete usually has an increasing cooperation if his/her performance increases. (more…)
Athletic training (as a stress factor) forces organism to adapt for the training to ensure that if the stressor occurs for the next time a body can tolerate it better. However, those trainings must be systematic and targeted to guarantee that the adaptation process is a kind that we really expected during the training and it is beneficial only as long as it forces the organism to adapt to the stress of the training. If training stress is too small – there will be no adaptation and if training stress becomes too high or chronic it may result in injury or overtraining. (more…)
Any physical activity ie. exercse training leads to changes in anatomical, physiological, biochemical and psychological parameters. Exercise training can be determined by several critical variables that are important in terms training planning and analyzing. Those variables are training frequnecy, training volume, training intensity and the type of training. Throughout te training phases preceding a competition, you should define which variable to emphasize in order to achieve your planned goal or performance development. (more…)